Our mission is a quest to improve human intelligence. We are focused on designing educational apps and materials that stimulate and support the development and improvement of intellectual abilities for improved learning and general functioning.
We see IntelleQuest Education Company as a leader in providing a subscription service to individual children and adults and to organizations, like schools and businesses, for the purpose of correcting and improving intellectual functioning worldwide. This service would be provided primarily online through targeted app groupings or suites that cognitively advance areas of learning like arithmetic or reading.
We know that intelligence can be increased which includes remediation which includes remediation for less develooped areas along with improvement or enhancement in others. Improving intellectual abilities includes comprehension, memory, decision making, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity among others. We believe everyone ought to be given the opportunity to achieve their highest potential. Improving intellectual abilities is an important key part to that.

Project Producer
Edgar Ball has an MA. in Early Childhood Special Education from The University of Texas at Austin. He received his Montessori training in 1981. With over 30 years experience in education he has worked in Head Start programs, served as preschool consultant for rural Minnesota school districts, supervised a Montessori infant nursery program in Los Angeles and trained teachers for early childhood education and special education programs in Texas and California.
He was a university instructor for more than seven years at National University in the Southern California area teaching graduate education courses in behavior management, neurological development, heath education and early childhood education.
Edgar has been an Advanced Trainer in the Structure of Intellect (SOI) since 1985 and is trained in the John Bradshaw method for clinical treatment of co-dependency. He has made numerous presentations at the National Center for Montessori Education over the last 15 years.
He has served as an administrator in private and charter Montessori schools in Arizona. He currently is a partner in IntelleQuest Education Company, an education and internet services business that designs and hosts web sites and develops and markets Structure of Intellect based educational materials and conducts workshops for teachers and parents.

Education Producer
Jeffrey Steed, M.Ed. Excel Learning Center was opened in February of that year. Between 1989 and mid-1998, he and his staaff tested and instructed hundreds of students using his own approach based on the Structure of Intellect model of multiple intelligence to develop learning abilities in academically challenged students. The Structure of Intellect and perceptual-motor models were two key components in this program. He has been an advanced trainer in the Structure of Intellect for over ten years.
After closing Excel Learning Center, Jeff turned to applying the methods of learning he used to technology and to conduct educational research to further develop effective training for learning-challenged individuals. This current work is brought together in the IntelleQuest Education Company of which Jeff is a co-founder and partner. The company also develops educational web sites and markets Structure of Intellect based educational materials and conducts workshops for teachers and parents.